One of my favorite places in Alpago, where I live, is the Sbarai Oasis. It is a vast wetland that stretches along the shore of Lake Santa Croce, we “Alpagoti” love it because it offers a quiet walk surrounded by nature and summer is a cool place to repair. Along the way there are then some stages we say mandatory, one in particular.
I go there at least once a week, it is never too crowded but I still prefer to avoid the weekend. It is one of the favorite destinations of walks of me and my dog Bibo.
It 'a really impressive place, depending on the water level of the lake offers a different landscape, characteristic are the submerged forest and large white willows that in spring and summer offer an incredible show.
The route starts from Bastia, a village that still retains the ancient architecture typical of the area, with local stone houses worth seeing.
Marco e Bibo