The Ring of the Villas of Cart winds through an area particularly rich in villas, thanks to the environmental and landscape features of this territory not far from the city center of Feltre.
The first villa you come across going up Cart boulevard from Foen is Villa Bonsembiante, built at the end of 1700.
Continuing along the avenue you reach on the left Villa Vellaio, now Villa Emilia, surrounded by a vast green area that reaches and incorporates to the east the church of San Liberale.
Hidden among the trees, along the old road to Cart parallel to the current one, there is the complex of Villa Villalta with a charming loggia.
Before reaching the junction of Via Romanella, in the middle of the avenue, on the right stands the large complex of Villa Facen-Òrum, which originally was to be the most important and rich of the hill.
Continuing, then, towards Cart Alto and past the Church of Santa Maria della Libera with works by Marascalchi, you can see the Villa Bianco, recent residential settlement dating back to the nineteenth century, while taking the path downhill, on the right, there is Villa Zasio of the seventeenth century.
In the distance, towards the Vette Feltrine, you can see Villa Villabruna, also seventeenth century, with the small chapel of San Silvestro.
Continuing down, then, you can admire the park of Villa Dei or Villa Rosada of the seventeenth century and returning to the village of Vellai is Villa Tomitano, part of the Agricultural Institute.