From “Palazzo Ancilotto” in the locality of “Santa Lucia di Piave”, you reach the parish church passing through the town hall, then take the cycle-pedestrian path of “via Foresto” and then reach the fraction of “Sarano” at the church of “San Martino”.
Following the “Crevada” street embankment, you arrive at the location “Three Waters”, the junction point for the “Crevada” street, “Ferrera” street and “Monticano” river course.
After the industrial area, at the “Pavoni” roundabout, follow “Via Martiri della Libertà” where “Villa Corner Campana” faces and then return to the hamlet of “Santa Lucia di Piave” via the exhibition center.
Walking time: 2h 30'
Distance: km 8,7
Altitude difference: m 16