Built between 1612 and 1641 by a design of Andrea da Venezia, to complete the annexed convent of the Poor Clares, suppressed in 1806 and since then used as public schools. It was restructured in the apse area in 1952 by the architect Alberto Alpago Novello: the works also involved the adjoining cloister, completed with the addition of the side leaning against the church. Inside, there is a precious gilded wooden monstrance by Andrea and Paolo Brustolon. There are also other works of the XVII-XVIII centuries, including paintings by Francesco Frigimelica il Vecchio and Antonio Lazzarini.
"In front of the church stands the noble but severe size of the old hospital, built in 1714 by a design of Paolo Tremignon from Treviso: the building incorporated the previous sixteenth-century building of which remains inside the chapel erected in 1692. The building was the seat of the hospital of Belluno until 1987." (Tiziana Conte, Belluno e provincia, Guide d'Italia, Ed. Touring club italiano. Milano: TCI, 2004)