
Giro delle cros

This itinerary, deeply rooted in popular devotion, is characterized by the presence of votive wooden crosses.

In 1996, volunteers placed these crosses at the locations where they had originally stood in the early 1900s. The trail begins at the church of Norcen, descending towards the small village square.

From there, the ascent begins, keeping to the right and following the main asphalt road until reaching the Trugno area. Immediately on the left, a steep path winds through the woods.

At the end of the trail, a few meters ahead, you find the first cross along the route (loc. Cava). Continuing on a slight incline along the main asphalt road, you reach an open area dotted with meadows and casère (loc. Salchegn). This position provides an optimal view of the profile of Monegheta, a characteristic pinnacle of rock standing among the peaks. Legend has it that during the siege of Feltre in 1509, a nun sought refuge in the mountains but, upon seeing the city in flames, was petrified by the grief and remorse of leaving the monastery and her companions to a tragic fate.

After passing through the meadows of Salchegn and reaching the first hairpin turn, by veering right and advancing a few tens of meters (a short detour), you find the second cross (loc. Boa del Cuc). Returning to the main road, you continue uphill, passing through several bends and surpassing the cluster of rustic buildings in Salzena, always in a panoramic environment, until you reach the Monegat area.

Leaving the road, you take the path on the left, which initially has a steep slope that gradually becomes gentler, until you reach the Paradis clearing. Turning right, follow a dirt road, later transitioning to asphalt, and arrive at a second clearing (Pian dell'Albero), where you can admire a monumental beech tree. Following the signage along a forest road, you arrive at the picturesque Soladen Pass, with a view of Croce d'Aune Pass, Mount Coppolo, and Vallazza.

Skirting the forest on your left, you head towards the third cross, the one at Soladen, visible at the top of the pass. Here, you can pause for a few minutes and admire the landscape before taking the path that descends rapidly into the woods.

After a sharp left turn, the route faithfully follows the boundary of the park. From here, you continue on the asphalt road, intersecting with the road that ascends to Paradis, and continue descending while following the signage until you pass two rustic buildings on the right and reach the last cross along your journey (loc. Valerna). Following the asphalt road, you descend, passing through the village of Valduna, and arrive at the chapel of Norcen, just a few minutes from the square.


FURTHER INFORMATION ON... The wildlife is present... but not visible

The environment that surrounds us is populated by several wild animals, even though often we don’t notice. In fact, many of them are active mainly at night or at dawn and sunset, while others, particularly sensitive to human presence, run away as soon as they perceive the risk of an encounter. Among the species that frequent the area are the buzzard (Buteo buteo), which in the early afternoon twirls confidently over the open spaces, hunting small birds or mammals. Quite the opposite, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) moves very cautiously: it is possible to imagine it early in the morning while tasting a tuft of fresh dew-covered grass. There are also creatures as tranquil as they are defenseless, such as amphibians, which are easy to observe, especially in spring. In the vicinity of Soladen, the puddles that form on impermeable terrain attract the common toad (Bufo bufo), which lays its eggs in long transparent strands, and the charming yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), smaller and more agile. Lastly, the presence of animals can be discovered, in every season, through the 'reading' of their tracks.

Request informations

Giro delle cros

See on map

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (Piazza Maggiore) Pedavena 32032 Feltre (BL)

Tel: +39 04392540

E-mail: feltrino@dolomitiprealpi.it

Autumn Family and friends Summer Winter Nature & Wild Spring Piave


Veneto Rivers Holiday represents a project consistent with the Strategic Regional Tourism Plan Veneto, designed in synergy and complementarity with the objectives of the various OGD involved.
It invites and it is open to the active involvement of local governments.

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Official site of the Temporary Association of Companies “Veneto Rivers Experience”.

The A.T.I. Veneto Rivers Experience thanks all those who collaborate and have collaborated in the realization of this web project for the promotion of experiences and valuable time to spend along the Venetian rivers from the Dolomites to Venice.

  • Photo: Studio 2000 Hz Gianni Frescura, Ass.Prom.Tur. Alpago - Cansiglio aps, Archivio ATI Veneto Rivers Experience.
  • Copy: Atr Comunicazione, Marco Piccoli-The Grandiz, Skillamix Design.
  • Web project, hosting: Kumbe srl
  • Destination Management System: DMS Deskline by Feratel media technologies srl

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