
Dalla Chiesetta di Valzella alle Cascate di Cornolade

Loop trail starting from Garna, a fraction of the former municipality of Pieve d'Alpago now known as Alpago.

Total distance of about 42 km with a positive elevation gain of 680 meters: most of the route is on paved roads with a few dirt sections, but it is still of medium difficulty. It's possible to use muscular mountain bikes, gravel bikes, and of course, e-bikes.

After a short distance, a panoramic stop at the chapel of S. Pietro is a must, where you can see all the settlements surrounding the lake.

A brief and unique technical descent on dirt leads to the cycle path that goes to the lake, which we follow until we reach the area of Poiatte, where due to necessity, we must travel the state road to Santa Croce.

After a stop at Baia delle Sirene, we set off again, following the shoreline of the lake until the fork for Cornolade. Climbing for 2 km, we reach the place where canyoning is practiced in summer and ice climbing in winter: the Cornolade Waterfalls.

After another 2 km of ascent, we stop at a farm for a fruit juice of their own production to refresh ourselves before returning to the starting point.


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Dalla Chiesetta di Valzella alle Cascate di Cornolade

See on map

Viale al Lago sn – Farra Alpago 32016 Alpago (BL)

Tel: +39 347 2747971

E-mail: iatalpago@gmail.com

Autumn Slow & Green Family and friends Summer Nature & Wild Spring Meschio




Veneto Rivers Holiday represents a project consistent with the Strategic Regional Tourism Plan Veneto, designed in synergy and complementarity with the objectives of the various OGD involved.
It invites and it is open to the active involvement of local governments.

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Official site of the Temporary Association of Companies “Veneto Rivers Experience”.

The A.T.I. Veneto Rivers Experience thanks all those who collaborate and have collaborated in the realization of this web project for the promotion of experiences and valuable time to spend along the Venetian rivers from the Dolomites to Venice.

  • Photo: Studio 2000 Hz Gianni Frescura, Ass.Prom.Tur. Alpago - Cansiglio aps, Archivio ATI Veneto Rivers Experience.
  • Copy: Atr Comunicazione, Marco Piccoli-The Grandiz, Skillamix Design.
  • Web project, hosting: Kumbe srl
  • Destination Management System: DMS Deskline by Feratel media technologies srl

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