
Giro del Lago di Alleghe

The "Giro del Lago di Alleghe" (Alleghe Lake Tour) is a beautiful walk suitable for all the family that winds along the banks of the lake for about 5 km.

From the Masarè area you can clearly see the wound of Monte Piz, from where in January 1771 a huge mass of rock broke away, blocking the Cordevole torrent and causing the birth of the lake. Some villages at the bottom of the valley were swept away by the landslide and those nearby were overwhelmed by the rapid rise in the water level, which reached a depth of 90 metres within two months.

 The inhabitants had to leave their homes and find new accommodation in the higher parts of the valley. In order to allow them to maintain contact at the mouth of the Cordevole, a connecting footbridge was built.

Today, from the central square of the village, you can reach the lakefront by going down next to the church and from here you can go both clockwise and anticlockwise along the ring. If you proceed counterclockwise, you will reach a footbridge at the mouth of the Cordevole, which leads to an easy path.

Follow the path for about 300 metres until you reach the bank again and return to the asphalt road, intersecting with the panoramic road that runs along the orographic right of the lake. Slight climb up to the gates of Masarè where you return to the pavement to Alleghe.

 The entire route takes about an hour and offers various resting points and refreshments.

Request informations

Giro del Lago di Alleghe

See on map

P.zza Kennedy 17 Alleghe 32022 Alleghe

Tel: +39 0437523333

E-mail: info@alleghe-dolomiti.info

Autumn Family and friends Summer Winter Spring Piave

San Pietro in Cadore


Comelico Superiore



Veneto Rivers Holiday represents a project consistent with the Strategic Regional Tourism Plan Veneto, designed in synergy and complementarity with the objectives of the various OGD involved.
It invites and it is open to the active involvement of local governments.

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Official site of the Temporary Association of Companies “Veneto Rivers Experience”.

The A.T.I. Veneto Rivers Experience thanks all those who collaborate and have collaborated in the realization of this web project for the promotion of experiences and valuable time to spend along the Venetian rivers from the Dolomites to Venice.

  • Photo: Studio 2000 Hz Gianni Frescura, Ass.Prom.Tur. Alpago - Cansiglio aps, Archivio ATI Veneto Rivers Experience.
  • Copy: Atr Comunicazione, Marco Piccoli-The Grandiz, Skillamix Design.
  • Web project, hosting: Kumbe srl
  • Destination Management System: DMS Deskline by Feratel media technologies srl

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